Ript Apparel is printing a design of mine on Monday, July 4th. T-shirts are only $10. Inspired by the release of the latest Transformers movie, this shirt takes you back to the original design of Optimus Prime. When not saving the world from the evil Decepticons, Prime had his own business hauling freight.

This is a one-day deal so if you miss it, it's gone. Take time out of your backyard bar-be-que and fire up the computer instead. Men's, women's and kid's sizes available. As well as hoodies and infant onesies. Great for those thirty-somethings who grew up with the Autobots or for their own kids who are now getting into the revitalized franchise. Click here at 12 a.m. Monday or anytime after that for only 24 hours.
Here are a couple of details: