Tuesday, April 5, 2011

For fans of Dracula and vampires (and also Twihards)

Here is the next installment of the Classic Monster restaurant logos. It follows zombie diner, mummy deli and werewolf beer. This one answers the question: What if Dracula opened a restaurant. You can be sure it would be an upscale dining experience. The flourishes above the text represent a bat, can you see it? As always, tshirts are available at Zazzle.com.

And for the Twihards out there, I drummed one up especially for you. Tshirt available here. (It in no way is affiliated with any existing restaurant or any movie or book. It is merely inspired by them.)


  1. Really what a great post..I appreciate the thinking..Although Dracula and vampires are scary but still I just loved to watch them or things related to them..I t creates interest..

  2. I appreciate the thinking..Although Dracula and vampires are scary .

  3. I appreciate the thinking..Although Dracula and vampires are scary but still I just loved to watch them or things related to them..I t creates interest..

  4. Well the name Dracula and vampires creates interest..It was quite good to read this blog..

  5. Really what a interesting post..I just like it...It was quite good to read this blog..Thanks..

  6. It in no way is affiliated with any existing restaurant or any movie or book. It is merely inspired by them.

  7. Well if Dracula opened a restaurant. You can be sure it would be an upscale dining experience...

  8. The flourishes above the text represent a bat..its really amazing.

  9. I appreciate the thinking..Although Dracula and vampires are scary but still I just loved to watch them or things related to them..

  10. Vampires are scary but still I just loved to watch them or things related to them..I t creates interest..

  11. I just like it...It was quite good to read this blog..Thanks..

  12. I like these designs, I was eagerly waiting for these type of t shirts...Really amazing

  13. Nice thought...great creativity...i liked the posters...liked the post! I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts.

  14. haha nice treat and designs, I will probably copy one of those designs and make a T-shirt for my sons and daughters that love vampire stuff

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